A native plant that is ideal for that partially shaded area in your garden or as part of a woodland garden. Plants are low maintenance once established and thrive in a rich, partially moist soil. This early bloomer delights with bluish-purple flowers in spring, when most other perennials are still...

Kim EllsonMay 1, '22
Columbines delight with their colorful floral displays in spring long before most other perennials, and when our spring bulbs are just starting to fade a little. They have exquisite bell-shaped flowers, that occur in a wide range of different styles and sizes, and in almost every imaginable color! These delicate...
Lenten Rose or Hellebore
Kim EllsonApr 24, '22
Lenten rose, as their name implies, have a bloom that resembles a rose, and bloom around the time of Lent each year. Hellebores have many wonderful qualities- they have unique flowers; their blooms occur in a wide variety of different colors; the flowers are very long-lasting; they are tough and...
Summer Phlox
Kim EllsonJul 14, '21
Summer Phlox, also known as Garden Phlox, is a medium to tall sized perennial, that provides mid to late summer color. It is a profuse bloomer and occurs in many shades of white, pink, purple and red. Phlox is ideal for planting in combination with other perennials. Select a part...
Butterfly Weed
Kim EllsonJun 14, '21
This plant was quite deservedly the Perennial of the Year in 2017. It boasts bright orange flowers that form a magnificent display once well-established. It acts as both a host plant for the much beloved Monarch butterfly, as well as a highly desirable source of nectar. Unlike many other milkweeds,...