EVERGREENS Keep watering your evergreens until the ground freezes. Evergreens can dry out during the winter. Apply WILT STOP by Bonide which is a natural nontoxic product derived from the resin of pine trees. WILT STOP forms a soft, clear, flexible film on treated plants. This film protects plants from...
October Gardening
EVERGREENSKeep watering your evergreens until the ground freezes. Evergreens can dry out during the winter. Fertilize now with Espoma Holly-tone. SHADE & FRUIT TREESFertilize now with Espoma Tree-tone. LAWNOctober is a good time to repair lawns that are stressed from heat, damaged by insects or fungal diseases. First, rake out the...
Tags: fall, Gardening Calendar
September Gardening Tasks
Tropical and houseplants can be damaged by evening temperatures under 45 degrees. Watch the weather and be prepared to cover them or move them inside. We advise treating non edible plants with a systemic insecticide (Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control) 2 weeks before they are moved inside. Inspect the plants...
Tags: fall, Gardening Calendar
Planting Cool Season Vegetables
Ben HenryMay 17, '20
Planting Cool Season Vegetables Don’t throw in the trowel! There’s still plenty of time to plant cool season veggies by seed. Cool season veggies like broccoli, flourish in the fall, Swiss chard and kale develop their best flavor! Lettuce and spinach grow juicy and tender, they will germinate easily and...
Tags: fall, Vegetables
Ben HenryMay 17, '20
Fall is a good time to repair lawns that are stressed from heat, damaged by insects or fungal diseases. First, rake out the burned and damaged grass patches to loosen the soil. Then plant the grass seed and top dress with a combination of Dr. Earth Super Natural Fertilizer and...