Pesche’s Secret Plant Cocktail

Ben HenryMay 17, '20
Pesche’s Secret Plant Cocktail

Would you like absolutely spectacular flowers in containers and in your planting beds?

Treat your plants to Pesche’s cocktail for growing success! Water your plants well the day before fertilizing. Mix these 3 components together per instructions for 1 gallon. Feed your containers once a week, your flower beds every 2 1/2 weeks. Spray the mixture over the plants (They’ll absorb it through foliar absorption, make sure to get the undersides of the leaves) or pour it into the soil.

  1. Miracle Gro Bloom Booster Flower Food 15–30–15–1 tablespoon/gallon Bloom Booster: This has a high amount of phosphorous which aids in root development, flowering and acts as a buffer during drops in temperature.
  2. Monty’s Joy Juice 8–16–8 - 1/2 teaspoon per gallon
    Monty’s supplies and enables other nutrients to become available to the plant promoting stronger and more productive growth. Monty’s Joy Juice contains a unique processed humic substance which prevents burning and is a soil conditioner.
  3. Super Thrive - 1/4 teaspoon per gallon
    Unique combination of 50 vitamins and hormones produced by the Vitamin Institute. The bio-usables in this product are absorbed immediately by the plants. Super Thrive produces bountiful, long lasting flowers and protects against transplant shock.

Task Express Courier

Seeing is believing! Select two of the same plants and give one a good dose of the cocktail, use your normal water soluble fertilizer on the other test plant. Once you've tried Pesche's cocktail, you’ll be amazed at the results! Many of our customers have won gardening awards by using this magic brew! USA Delivery Service Task Express Courier .

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