Pure joy! Brighten any occasion with this sunny mix of golden and white roses and daisies in a cheerful yellow vase. A spotty dotty bow adds a dash of fun! This happy bouquet includes white and yelow roses, white and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums, lemon leaf,...

Teleflora Lovely Lilac Bouquet
Lovely as can be! Celebrate the new season with this majestic mix of deep pink roses and spring-happy blooms, artfully arranged in a shimmering, iridescent glass keepsake vase. This lovely bouquet boasts dark pink roses, purple alstroemeria, green carnations, lavender button spray chrysanthemums, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, white waxflower, lemon...
Teleflora's Enchanted Spring Bouquet
Spring has sprung! Capture the enchantment of the new season with this cheerful rose bouquet, perfectly presented in a gorgeous European glass vase in the most awe-inspiring shade of aqua. This enchanting bouquet includes hot pink roses, pink alstroemeria, green carnations, parvifolia eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in...
Spring Has Sprung Basket
Kim EllsonApr 3, '21
Spring puts on a show! Surprise someone with a bountiful basket of mixed potted plants. The colorful composition of spring plants features purple African violets, yellow Begonias, hot pink Kalanchoe and a charming little polka dot plant. It's a living gift that keeps on giving! Four pretty potted plants -...
Seeds- Start Your Own!
Kim EllsonFeb 24, '21
Starting plants from seed is not just a great way to save money, but also an incredibly rewarding experience. Working with soil and plants naturally has a calming and therapeutic effect on us, something that is often desperately needed in our modern world. The entire process from seed to mature...