Sun Requirement
Soil Moisture
Growth Form
Flower Color
Bloom Period
Hardiness Zone
Growing Herbs 101
When we think of herbs, images of plants in clay pots, baking away quite happily in the summer heat come to mind, accompanied by an almost Mediterranean feel. Most of our most beloved herbs do originate from the Mediterranean and as a result their optimal conditions are sunshine, heat and well- drained soils.

The Many Uses of Herbs
There are varying definitions of herbs, but in general they tend to contain the following characteristics: aromatic, healing properties, culinary uses and volatile oils.
Herbs as Pollinator Plants
If allowed to flower, herbs are prolific bloomers, rewarding the gardener not only with a spectacle of color, but also providing an absolute haven for pollinators. If you wish to support butterflies or bees in your garden and are uncertain about which plants to grow, herbs are an easy solution.

Are Herbs Hardy?
Many herbs are grown as annuals, but there are some that are perennial and winter hardy in our Chicago climate, for those wanting something more permanent in their garden. Oregano, mint and thyme are some of the hardiest, whilst rosemary, lavender and sage are only semi-hardy.
Our Pesche’s Guarantee
At Pesche’s we are proud to say that we grow most herbs ourselves, and source the rest locally. Our plants are never treated with synthetic pesticides and are 100% Non-GMO, allowing customers to shop with confidence.