Pesche’s has exciting new varieties and pre-selected combinations of bulbs! Our bulbs are imported from Holland and of the finest quality guaranteeing the best results! Did you ever wonder how some people have larger spring flowers than others? Well, the trick is that you must buy larger bulbs. Remember, the bigger the better! So shop early for the biggest and best selection! Stop into our Garden Center early for your best selection of spring bulbs from Netherland Bulb Company and Simple Pleasures Bulbs and also get the proper advice on selection and planting.
Good drainage is essential for bulbs. Do not select a planting site that has poor drainage or may flood. Beds planted over hard ‘Dead Pan Clay’ will cause the bulbs to sit in soggy soil causing them to rot! Prepare your planting areas holding some clay with Back to Nature Nature’s Blend or Dr. Earth Compost. Roughly estimate the size of your beds and we’ll let you know how much of these amendments to use. One bag of compost covers about 6 square feet. Bulbs can be planted up until the ground freezes. Ideal planting time is when evening temperatures are between 40-50 degrees. Be sure to plant about 6 weeks before the ground freezes to allow sufficient time for rooting. Bulbs root best in cool soil and once rooted undergo natural changes that keep them from freezing. Planting too early encourages disease and fungal problems. If you purchase bulbs early and would like to store them be sure to place them in a cool, dry location above freezing. You can place them in a refrigerator that doesn’t contain fruits or vegetable (they give of Ethylene gas that will distort the flowers).
Follow the planting instructions on the bag, and remember that planting depth and spacing are very important! Tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths are planted at 6-8 inches, and Crocus are planted 4 inches deep. After digging the hole or trench, mix either Dr. Earth Organic Bulb Fertilizer or Espoma Bulb-Tone Fertilizer into the soil at the bottom. (Bulbs are already fully charged with energy for peak flowering in their first spring bloom season but always benefit from extra fertilizer at planting time). Water your bulbs before back- filling the planting area (this puts the water in contact with the bulbs quicker than watering thru 6 inches of soil). Water the entire area after back-filling also. When the ground cools or freezes, cover your bulb beds with mulch that is lightweight, approximately 2-4 inches thick to help suppress weeds and maintain a consistently cool soil temperature.
It is important to protect your planting beds from squirrels and chipmunks. Sprinkle Bonide Repels-all or Messina Animal Stopper. Messina liquid Squirrel Stopper can be used as a bulb drip. Their unique blend of ingredients causes a mild irritation to animal’s nasal passages. When an animal touches, tastes, or smells the repellent, it triggers the natural instinct to escape/avoid, and the animal will simply leave. Bulbs can also be planted in a cage made of 1 inch chicken wire. Fashion a box out of the chicken wire. Leave the bottom open. Place your bulbs at the proper depth then force the chicken wire box over the bulbs. Leave a space about one inch between the bulbs and the top of the cage. Finish filling the planting area with soil and cover the area where you planted the bulbs with a layer of Back to Nature Natures Blend. The bulb’s shoots will grow thru the one inch mesh protecting them from digging critters.

There is nothing more refreshing in the spring than seeing a bed full of bright, cheery Daffodils and Tulips or catching the sweet fragrance of Hyacinths. Stop into our Garden Center early for your best selection of spring bulbs from Netherland Bulb Company and Simple Pleasures Bulbs and receive the proper advice on selection and planting. We’re here to help. Let’s get growing!