The Best Petunia. Period.®Not to brag or anything, but purple has been the royal color since the Phoenicians. You know, back in the Jurassic Period. You wont find flowers anywhere that are a deeper, darker or more velvety purple-blue than mine. Since Im also a Supertunia (the Queen of Petunias)...

Annual Lobelia
Kim EllsonMay 2, '21
Lobelias are quite unique thanks to their vibrant blue, a true blue, which is something quite rare in the floral kingdom. Lobelia erinus is a tender perennial that is grown and treated as an annual in our Chicago climate and hardiness zone. Plants can either be grown from seed or...
Ornamental Peppers or Chilies
Kim EllsonOct 5, '20
It is hard to resist an ornamental pepper finding its way into one’s shopping cart, as these plants can simply not be overlooked when in their prime! Vibrant displays of yellows, oranges, reds and purples, take one to a faraway more tropical place, at a time when our temperatures are...
What are Superbells?
Kim EllsonAug 10, '20
Proven Winner Super Bells Super Bells are a variety of Petunia called Calibrachoa and are also commonly known as mini Petunia or Million Bells. These plants made their debut in the nineties and have delighted gardeners ever since. They have a compact, trailing habit and are prolific bloomers, producing endless...
A Butterfly Magnet
Kim EllsonJul 3, '20
Profusion Zinnias Profusion Zinnias are true winners. These delightful annuals offer endless unbeatable color all throughout summer and are very easy to take care of! Zinnias might look delicate, but these beauties are resilient and durable plants that are deer resistant and will quite happily bake in the sun. The...